Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It's a start!

I guess you have to start somewhere when a new blog is born. You could say I am nervous about a few things related to blogging. First, knowing that everyone has access to my written words is a bit nerve racking since english is not my first language and I don't consider myself a writer by any stretch;  I still type looking at my keyboard most of the time and everyone that knows me will tell you I am very frugal with the written word when communicating. I also have a bit of apprehension since I don't think my point of view is better or worse than anyone else and have only shared my mind with small groups before except for a few speeches, presentations and being on panels.
Since blogging is supposed to be an expression of yourself and a way to participate in debates and conversations I shouldn't worry about these things and that's why I'm making the plunge and jumping into the unknown. Well here it goes. (Loud thunk no one heard....) ;)

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